Certificates of Authenticity Templates in PDF and Image


Certificates of Authenticity Templates in PDF and Images


Certificate of Authenticity Templates

Now you can download these brand new formatted PDFs, DOCs, MSWORD and Image documents. Edit these Certificates of Authenticity samples free. The Certificate of Authenticity is also known as C.O.A.’s which are absolutely invaluable.


If you need a Certificate of Authenticity for your product(s) – these templates are ready-made and easy to use.

Create a Certificate of Authenticity for artwork, sports memorabilia, autograph, etc. Insisting on a certificate of authenticity for an autograph or product can save your money because you know that it is the real thing – and your only protection from being ripped off.

Because you give a “C.O.A.”, usually means you sold a genuine autograph or product. Ask Microsoft about this, they are among the many firms who ship a certificate of authenticity with their software products, including Microsoft Windows.

Do you need a “Certificate of Authenticity” for your product(s)? Look no further, we have a Template of “Certificates of Authenticity” package which is the answer to your COA needs. Instantly create professional-looking “COA’s” with the ready-made templates. The Templates will have blanks that you just fill-in. “The Template is a master copy and you print the quantity needed for your product right from your own printer.

The “COA” Template (many different formats included in the package) print on special certificate paper (which can be purchased at the office supply store) or use regular paper and the certificate format will print out without using special paper.

If you do not find the appropriate template in our package for your item/product we can custom design a template using your appropriate wording and graphics FREE.
















Each product sold should be accompanied by a “Certificate of Authenticity” that will verify it is a genuine work from a special collection, artist or special product.

Download free – the package of Templates of the “Certificate of Authenticity.” You can make unlimited “COA’s” for your products. There are many different templates included in the package for your use.

Use one format or use them all – the choice is yours. We are constantly adding new COA template formats. If you need a template with special headings/information and graphics that you do not find in the template package, we will customize a template FREE.

Each “Certificate of Authenticity” can be numbered individually, all you need is the Template. You can add photos or any information you want on the “COA” with the Template.

This is the only low-cost tool you will need to create “Certificate of Authenticity” for your product/item.

Each “Certificate of Authenticity” has a signature line and date. This is used when a buyer purchases the product – the seller signs and dates the certificate

Orders will be processed and you will receive a special link to access all the templates.

We also do custom “COA’s” if you don’ want to create your own “COA’s” right from your computer. The cost – FREE To Download.

The choice is yours – purchase “COA” template package and designs your own – or we can custom design “COA’s” for you

For autographs or collections – the Template can be used over and over for each “Certificate of Authenticity” and it can be slightly different, but have basically the information as the Master Template “Certificate of Authenticity”

Certificates of authenticity certainty sound like a good idea, don’t they? After all, you are issuing a piece of paper that says “This autograph or product is genuine!” Gives the buyer of your item or product peace of mind. Your buyer can sleep well knowing they have a genuine autograph or product.

A COA is a buyer’s guarantee of authenticity – plus knowing they were dealing with a reputable dealer or company. So when buying autographs or products with a high price tag you want to make sure it is authenticated as genuine.

Create professional-looking “Certificate of Authenticity” Instantly with a ready-made template






